
SOFIA ADHD adherence intervention at APSARD

Members of SOFIA from our collaborative venture with Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) presented on our joint ADHD adherence initiative at APSARD 2019. The SOFIA (Simple Online Family Intervention for ADHD) system is a co-commercialized initiative between MEMOTEXT and Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH), Partners Healthcare led by Dr. Joseph Biederman Chief, Clinical and Research Programs in Pediatric Psychopharmacology and Adult ADHD and Professor of Psychiatry Harvard Medical School.
Poster presentation ADHD medication adherence

Poster presentation ADHD medication compliance

Purpose built with MEMOTEXT and MGH, SOFIA provides an interactive messaging/support and feedback gathering mechanism to remind, educate and support patients/families of patients with ADHD. An innovative SMS intervention to improve adherence to stimulants in children with ADHD was presented alongside preliminary analysis of the first 30 children with ADHD participating in the SOFIA program. In the new analysis, results showed a doubling in the rate of adherence to stimulants when compared to children with ADHD prescribed stimulant under standard care at the same institution. The group is very excited about the initial results and our initial pilots with select physician groups and pharmaceutical manufacturers.