
Kicking it at HealthKick2015

Posted on May 22, 2015 by Noah Nemoy Working in the MaRS Centre has a lot of perks: Thought provoking guest lectures from international experts, mentorship, access and support that is second to none. But in this case it was having much of the Centre repurposed to host HealthKick2015 on May 6th and 7th. HealthKick2015 kicked off with a Wednesday night Reception and a welcome with Dr. Dave Williams the Chair of the Ontario Health Innovation Council. Dr. Williams is the President and CEO of the Southlake Regional Health Centre, and a former astronaut. The main focus of his talk was on the importance of healthcare innovation in Ontario. The next day after setting up the MEMOTEXT booth, banner and signature cupcakes,
Yes, we have delicious branding.

Yes, we have delicious branding.

it was off to see the morning speakers. The theme of HealthKick2015 was Patient Empowerment, which really resonated with me as a MEMOTEXT employee. Patient empowerment is at the core of what we do. Our methodology is derived from putting patients first, creating personalized, relevant messaging, using biometric data to design an adherence program that best fits their need and lifestyle. It’s by empowering patients to take medication adherence in their own hands that leads to our 31.4% increase in medication adherence and +17% increase in self-efficacy.   HealthKick was also a great opportunity to see what other start-ups were offering at their booths or during the HealtkKick Pitch Competition. It was impressive to see such a wide range of technology including medical devices, biotechnology, and other digital health systems. And it was all created in the Toronto area! The day ended with our Founder and President Amos Adler pitching MEMOTEXT for the Pitch Compentitions’ Health IT stream.   As Canadians we have this tendency to look at what other countries are doing while ignoring our own backyard. But at HealthKick2015 there were a lot of amazing made in Canada (or in this case made in the GTA) solutions to our biggest health problems. That afternoon the Government of Ontario announced the launch of a $20 million Health Technology Innovation Evaluation Fund to help stimulate innovation in health care. With health technology only increasing in importance, market share and government recognition I’m already looking forward to see what HealthKick2016 has in store.   NOAH NEMOY M.Sc. TEAM LEAD COMMUNICATIONS noah With an MSc in the Theory and History of International Relations from the London School of Economics, Noah brings several years of communications experience to MEMOTEXT. Prior to joining, he worked for the Government of Ontario, several small businesses, and most recently on the winning campaign in the 2014 Toronto mayoral election. As someone who loves communicating good ideas to help make the world a better place, Noah is thrilled to be a part of the MEMOTEXT team.