
Are You Doing Your Due Diligence? – Brought to you by MEMOTEXT‏

16 Steps to m/Digital Health Success

Posted on  by Amos Adler Due Diligence Checklist for m/Digital Health As mobile and digital health get more and more traction, you might be evaluating various m/digital health technologies and solutions. From new-starts to established legacy service providers there are a lot of options to choose from. It pays to have some digital health due-diligence planning in place. Fortunately, we at MEMOTEXT have learned some digital health lessons in due-diligence and hope to speed up the process for you. Don’t worry, we validated this methodology ourselves the hard way!   MT_WhitePaper_DueDiligence_Download   Does your team have a due diligence checklist? How many boxes have you ticked off?   AMOS ADLER M.Sc. FOUNDER & PRESIDENT img35 Amos brings speech, mobile and social technologies together to create mobile (mHealth) and telehealth patient adherence programs. Since 2008, Amos has led the design and deployment of dozens of digital patient adherence and behavior change programs globally while advocating for evidence-based approaches to technology-based behavior change. With a background in user oriented design methodologies, user-requirements elicitation, finance and enterprise scale technology deployment, Amos focuses on solutions solving real-world business requirements with patient centered designs while understanding the challenges of change management in clinical settings. Prior to founding MEMOTEXT, Amos held multiple technology and finance related positions within the Bell Canada Holdings family of companies as well as a background in social and private real estate development. Amos holds a M.Sc. in Analysis, Design and Management of Information Systems from The London School of Economics in London England, graduating with distinction was highlighted by his work within the launch of the world’s first independent exchange for international wholesale telecom capacity. Amos speaks regularly at events such as: mHealth, Stanford Mobile Health, Health Datapalooza, Genentech FutureMed2.0 and has guest lectured at the Univ. of Toronto.