

Read our latest publications and learn about all of the new things that we are learning and how our programs and products are making an impact in people’s lives!
Want to learn about some of the other projects we were a part of? Have a look at some of the posters we presented!
Have a listen to some of the talks and presentations we’ve given!
Interested in learning about all things MEMOTEXT? Give our literature review paper a read!

Media Highlights

Digital Medicine's March on Chronic Disease
Medication adherence is dead?
The Importance of Sticking To It
Three ways to reduce stress on the health-care system




MEMOTEXT Outcomes Virtual Engagement Symposium.
Collection of talks from our clients about OUTCOMES, SUCCESS and PROCESSES.
Video link

mHealth 2011

Interested in learning about medical adherence in research? Give this video a watch!
Video link

HealthTO 2019

Revolutionizing Aging at Home| Linda Kaleis of Memotext and Joe Au-Yeung of SE Health
Video link

Literature Review, Whitepapers and Case Studies

The Lit Review of all things MEMOTEXT

Since 2011 various projects and research have been utilized MEMOTEXT technology or methodology. This literature review will include sections on all our texting programs, research trials and our mobile app.

Inviva Rises to the Pandemic Challenge

This whitepaper outlines the steps INVIVA clinics took to rise to the difficult challenges brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic.

MEMOTEXT: Adherence CaseStudies

Read about our solutions to reduce medical costs and increase pharmaceutical revenues by improving medication compliance and patient adherence to treatment.

Using Machine Learning to Design Precision Digital Engagement

This whitepaper outlines our methodology in a 6 step digital health engagement methodology for data mining. Learn more about our data driven approach to helping patients meet goals and sustaining change.

The Importance of Sticking To It: Non-Adherence To Prescription Medication

This whitepaper outlines GSC’s Stick2it program. Designed to improve adherence to cholesterol and hypertension medications and adhere to better health outcomes.